Saturday, June 12, 2010



By Jane –Ann Heitmueller

They would have been great parents, but they never had a child.

It seemed the time was never right, and so they’d wait a while.

Her mom and dad were aged and ill, needed her love and care.

We’ll wait a bit, they rationalized, which wasn’t all that rare.

Perhaps when all our debts are paid. The house is free and clear.

Excuses that seemed sensible…just wait another year.

And so the decades piled up, as time and days moved on.

Till suddenly, they looked around and their options were gone.

Past middle age was evident, their dream left unfulfilled.

‘Twas silver threads among the gold. Their wishes must be stilled.

They would have been great parents, but they never had a child.

It seemed the time was never right…

So they’d waited awhile.