I first became acquainted with true history of the written word while exploring the Southern Festival of Books years ago with my friends Marti and Sally. We stayed in the nice historic hotel within walking distance of the plaza where the book festival is normally held. That was the year I flat out fell in love with the southern way of reading life and Clyde Edgerton in particular. Didn't hurt a bit that the writers were also artisans of every sort. That October I came home with several books signed by their original authors to tuck under the Christmas tree for loved ones.
This was the year that I met devoted authors live and in person. Lewis Grizzard. Nordan. Ann Patchett. Larry Brown, bless his heart. All of them came together in Nashville for a weekend that has become an annual celebration of story telling as a lost art. I hear that Clyde will be back next week, along with one of my all time favorites Ricky Bragg and a slew of other accomplished authors.
More info here ya'll:
Southern Festival of Books