Monday, July 7, 2008

Wanted... Southern Items of Interest

In the past I have happily advertised for Southern companies that have interesting items for sale.

No, I don't mean Coca-Cola or Dixie Outfitters.

In the past I have placed small advertisements on the sidebar for a Mississippi maker of Southern Scenery t-shirts. Another company on the Coast that specialized in Kudzu Gel Candles. Also Kudzu Kayakers - the name is too good to pass up. I have one now for Southern miscellany.

I mainly find them by me stumbling across their site and contacting them.

I do not charge a fee for this advertising, but do have to think it's a good product.

If you know of any small companies trying to get noticed, or have one yourself, feel free to contact me about a spot on the Dew.


Additionally, I need some more fair listings - the season is upon us. Big fairs and festivals that people might travel to.