By Allan Topol
does FBI agent Kelly Cameron’s college sweetheart, the dashing Xiang
Shen, have to do with her latest case? As Cameron digs deeper into
China’s influence on the presidential race, Shen’s
romantic overtures might not be quite what they seem. What does this
Chinese diplomat have to do with the influence of a foreign power on a
national election? And who is targeting Cameron and her daughter?
In Allan Topol’s inimitable style, WASHINGTON POWER PLAY spins a tale of international intrigue, deception, and corruption at the highest levels of power.
Cameron has just thwarted a terrorist attack on the Walter Reed Medical
Center in Washington, and is now in charge of a task force to find a
mole in the U.S. government. She soon finds evidence
of a plot initiated by the Chinese government supporting General
Darrell Cartwright to promote his election as the president of the
United States.
Cameron’s efforts to thwart this plan are hindered by Shen, and Andrew Martin, a powerful Washington lawyer who has strong ties to the Chinese. At stake in this Washington power play is nothing less than the global balance of power.
addition to his fiction writing, Allan Topol co-authored a two-volume
legal treatise entitled SUPERFUND LAW AND PROCEDURE. A graduate of Yale
University Law School, he is a partner in a major
Washington law firm, and has traveled extensively researching locations
for his novels. He wrote a weekly column for and has
published articles in numerous periodicals including the
New York Times, Washington Post, and Yale Law Journal. He also has blogged for Huffington Post.
For more information, visit
By Allan Topol
Select Books, Inc., May 2017
$16.95; 320 pages
ISBN13: 978-1-59079-425-8
Fiction/Political Thriller
Q &A
by Allan Topol
1. How is WASHINGTON POWER PLAY timely in today's political world?
Washington Power Play
deals with an effort by the Chinese government to influence a
US presidential election. Right now, no topic could be more timely than
a foreign government's attempt to influence a US presidential election.
The lead story in the media day after day is whether Russia influenced
the election of President Trump. Two years
ago when I wrote Washington Power Play, dealing with China's
effort to control the election of the US president, I had no idea that
my book, when published, would be so timely.
How did you decide to write about a plot initiated by a foreign
government to support a candidate for President of the United States?
am and have been an attorney in Washington and a partner in one of the
most influential law firms in this city. Though I have never held a
position in government, I
have been on the fringe of our nation's political process. In this
position, I have observed how vulnerable our presidential election
process is to outside manipulation by those with large amounts of money
who want to elect a president who will support their
agenda. Starting with this fact, it was a relatively small leap to ask
what if the Chinese government wanted to manipulate the election to put
someone in the White House who would support their agenda. That is the
premise of
Washington Power Play.
3. Does it mirror what is being discussed about Russia today and President Trump?
Washington Power Play goes one step beyond what is being discussed about President Trump
and Russia in the media. In Washington Power Play, the foreign
government involved, namely China, has selected the individual, General
Cartwright, an American military hero, who they would like to be US
president , encouraged him to run, and arranged
financing for his campaign. Cartwright, a complex character, does not
view himself as a traitor. Rather, he is convinced that he is advancing
an agenda in co-ordination with the Chinese which he believes is in the
best interests of the US.
4. Why did you choose to write about China?
the twenty first century is evolving, China has emerged as the primary
rival of the United States economically, militarily, and diplomatically.
The Economist wrote on April 1, 2017, that China is challenging
the US for the world leadership it has exercised since the end of World
War II. In this effort the Chinese have launched wide ranging spy
efforts in the United States. Two examples were
uncovered recently. One involved a high level career official with the
State Department who accepted cash and gifts for many years to pass
classified US political and economic information to the Chinese. The
other involved an American energy engineer procuring
nuclear know how for the Chinese. These are only two examples of real
life Chinese espionage in the US which is a critical part of
Washington Power Play.
5. How do you research topics for your book?
read a great deal about history and geopolitical events throughout the
world. I also travel to foreign locations to obtain background for my
novels. I have been to China,
France, Israel, Italy, Spain, Argentina, and Japan, among other
countries researching my novels. Also, the internet is a wonderful
source of information that enhances research.
Washington Power Play, I not only visited China, but immersed
myself in China political, military and strategic matters both in books
and on the internet. I spoke with people possessing China expertise. In
addition I read biographies of Chinese leaders
such as Deng and Mao to understand what was motivating them as they led
the Chinese effort to surpass the US.
6. What is your background in understanding power in the Beltway?
more than thirty years I have been a partner in one of Washington's
most influential law firms. In my work, I have argued in the Supreme
Court and many lower courts.
I have dealt with numerous governmental agencies. I have spent time and
worked with individuals holding positions at the highest levels of the
US government and some foreign governments as well as those in the
media. From this close contact and involvement,
I have observed the exercise of power inside the Beltway. I have
watched the unfolding of the never ending crises, including in fighting,
struggles for power, the pursuit of personal agendas, corruption, and
sexual scandals that grip Washington in every Administration.
All of this was very helpful in writing Washington Power Play.
7. What motivates you to write as this is now your thirteenth book of international intrigue?
write novels because I care deeply about geopolitical affairs. Fiction
is a very effective vehicle to convey ideas about geopolitical issues.
My goal is to entertain
readers with page turning suspenseful novels, with strong characters,
male and female, like Kelly Cameron, the protagonist of
Washington Power Play. At the same time I want to educate readers, not with characters who lecture but with the unfolding story.
8. What's the best advice you received about writing that you still use?
best advice is: make your novel a page turner, make your readers want
to know what happens next, and create compelling characters. To achieve
this, I recommend that
you start with a three sentence synopsis of your story. Then prepare a
detailed outline, scene by scene. Mine are typically 40 or 50 pages.
When you write, you may not follow this outline precisely, but it is
critical to have the blueprint. You would not
build a house without detailed plans. Once you have the outline,
prepare profiles of your three or four main characters, what they look
like, their backgrounds, personalities, and strengths and weaknesses.
Make them compelling. You must get to know them yourself.
When you have done all of these things, you can begin to write. Also
write your first draft in a white heat---straight through to the end. Do
not revise until you have completed the first draft.
9. How did you choose your characters names?
For the names of the Chinese characters in
Washington Power Play, when I was at the Aspen Music Festival, I
studied the names of the Chinese musicians in the programs for various
events. For foreign names, I use history books about the country as a
source. More generally, I try to pick names
which seem to me like the characters they represent. Occasionally, I
use the name of someone I know. For example, in Spy Dance, I used Sagit
for the name of my main Israeli intelligence agent. Sagit was the name
of a good friend of my daughter in school;
her father had been a military hero.
10. Any more books on the horizon? Where will it take place?
next, fourteenth novel, will again feature Craig Page and Elizabeth
Crowder as the protagonists. They were the lead characters in five of
my prior novels but did not
appear in Washington Power Play. That next novel will be
focused on Hungary and much of the book will take place in Budapest
which I visited last fall. Part of the action will also take place in
Paris, Tel Aviv, Moscow, and Washington. After that,
I am developing a story that revolves around Iran.