Monday, March 7, 2016

Miss Julia Lays Down the Law - Now in Paperback

Coming in Paperback - March 29, 2016
Penguin Books
Miss Julia just does not stop!  Book #16!  

Miss Julia is not quite my cup of tea - a little too much sugar at the bottom, but I'm still sharing  as I know this is a popular series. 


Book Description:
Highly offended and fuming, Miss Julia leaves Connie Clayborn’s house determined never to return. Having been invited to what purported to be a nice get-together at the Clayborn’s starkly modern house in Abbotsville’s only gated community, Julia and the other ladies decide that after Connie’s stinging critique of the town, especially of the park on Main Street, she has simply ruined herself socially. There will be no garden club, book club, or dinner invitations for her.

Unhappily, that is true, and Julia finds herself a suspect in what happens to Connie. But there are other suspects and Lieutenant Peavey questions them all--all, that is, except Pastor Ledbetter and his wife, Emma Sue, neither of whom can be found.

What with Sergeant Coleman Bates up on an outdoor advertising sign to raise funds for playground equipment, Lamar Owens losing his Burberry scarf, a ditzy librarian half in love with Sergeant Bates and Mr. Darcy, a group of ladies making Christmas ornaments, a lanky runner loping by Miss Julia’s house after dark, and LuAnne Conover telling the detectives everything she knows--and a lot that she doesn’t--Julia finds herself up to her neck in trouble.

But Coleman finally ends his fundraising efforts and the Ledbetter’s show up at the home of an Episcopalian and the night runner is faced down and all the suspects are exonerated from suspicion, as Julia begins to lay down the law in no uncertain terms.