Simon & Schuster, in partnership with Wunderkind PR, would love to hear what interns think of The Intern’s Handbook. Interns
will be selected from over twenty companies to receive specially marked
copies of The Intern’s Handbook. We’d love to hear what interns think
of the book through reviews, feedback and images featuring the Twitter
and Facebook hashtag #internships.
** Soon to be a Major Motion Picture by Sony Pictures, with Dave Franco (Neighbors, 21 Jump Street) attached to star **
One of the best books of 2014, coming in a new trade paperback edition
this February 2015!
Simon & Schuster
Lago is a very bad guy. But he’s the very best at what he does. And
what he does is infiltrate top-level companies and assassinate crooked
executives while disguised as an intern. That’s the secret behind HR,
Inc., the elite “placement agency” that doubles as a network of
assassins for hire who take down high-profile targets that wouldn’t be
able to remember an intern’s name if their lives depended on it.
the ripe old age of almost twenty-five, John Lago is nearing his
mandatory retirement with HR Inc. His last assignment is at New York
City’s most prestigious law firm on assignment to assassinate one of the
firm’s most heavily guarded partners.

Shane Kuhn is
a writer and filmmaker with twenty years of experience working in the
entertainment business and the ad world. In feature film, he has writing
credits with Universal, Paramount, Sony, and Fox, and a writing and
directing credit with Lionsgate. In the world of independent film, he is
one of the four original founders of the Slamdance Film Festival and
currently serves as an Executive Board member of Slamdance, Inc. A
shameless product pusher in the ad world, he has worked as a copywriter,
creative director, and broadcast video director and producer for
several notable brands and charitable organizations. As a college
baseball player, he threw a fastball in the low 90s but his career was
cut short by a Bull Durham strike zone. The Intern’s Handbook is his
first novel. He lives with his wife and family in a bi-coastal/mountain
migration pattern that includes Massachusetts, Colorado, Los Angeles,
and San Francisco.
Visit Shane Kuhn’s Website: http://shanekuhn.com
Shane Kuhn on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ ShaneSKuhn
Shane Kuhn on GoodReads: https://www. goodreads.com/author/show/ 7155439.Shane_Kuhn