When I read the description below I was not surprised to see that this is by the same editors as the Chicken Soup for the Soul series as it's similar to that and also has quite a few different subjects published under the Not Your Mother's Book umbrella.
The writing struck me as lengthy blog posts for the most part. Everyday women writing about experiences with their children. I'm not saying that the stories aren't interesting - but I do feel that this is a book better suited to readers who do follow Mommy Blogs in general.
I am quite pleased to see two stories in there by a Dew contributor - Georgia Mellie Justad. It's always wonderful to see Dew writers in print! You can find one of her stories by following THIS LINK.
Not Your Mother's Book . . . On Being a Mom Paperback – April 8, 2014
Book Description:
Each title in the Not Your Mother's Book series contains approximately 60 real-life stories dedicated to a unique theme, drawn from the passion and experience of dozens of writers in a whimsical and entertaining mix of irreverence and humor.
Founded by former coauthors and editors of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, this similarly styled anthology series foregoes the sad, sappy, preachy, or death-oriented stories that were that series' hallmark, and unlike that series, is never afraid to be a little risqué. These stories are funny, daring, different, and smart.
Mothering in the modern age can be a challenge. These days, the umbilical cords for most kids are high-tech gadgets and social media. It’s a complicated world, but children still need their mothers. From kissing boo-boos to teaching the difference between right and wrong to helping navigate the ups and downs of teenage drama, moms unselfishly give their children the advice, support, and love they need. The stories in this book—ranging from birth to empty nest—are guaranteed to entertain and delight. And remember—moms do know more than their kids when it comes to the real world!