There's a lesson to be learned with this novel - Don't piss off a woman with strong motherly instincts and a bad, stubborn attitude. And surely don't do it to four of them! This is called Horror/Sci Fi, but I consider it more of a Mother's Love story - love, revenge, payback and betrayal - the entire story surrounds mothers and their feelings toward their children - whether they birthed them or "made" them.
There are the two young mothers who wake up as vampires and are super pissed off that they can no longer safely be with their children - they head out across the country to find the vampire that turned them and wreak vengeance and revenge....while keeping their babies safe. There is the newly made vampire's mother - left with two small babies, going into hiding from the child she loves, to protect the grandchildren she loves. Then there is the mother of the vampire that made the girls, who sees her little baby boy drifting away from her power and control and going into the arms of another woman.
Definitely don't piss off the mothers.
Motherless Child
Glen Hirshberg
Tor Hardcover
May 13, 2014
In his powerful novel, Motherless Child, Bram Stoker Award–nominee Glen Hirshberg, author of the International Horror Guild Award–winning American Morons, exposes the fallacy of the Twilight-style romantic vampire while capturing the heart of every reader.
It’s the thrill of a lifetime when Sophie and Natalie, single mothers living in a trailer park in North Carolina, meet their idol, the mysterious musician known only as “the Whistler.” Morning finds them covered with dried blood, their clothing shredded and their memories hazy. Things soon become horrifyingly clear: the Whistler is a vampire and Natalie and Sophie are his latest victims. The young women leave their babies with Natalie’s mother and hit the road, determined not to give in to their unnatural desires.
Hunger and desire make a powerful couple. So do the Whistler and his Mother, who are searching for Sophie and Natalie with the help of Twitter and the musician’s many fans. The violent, emotionally moving showdown between two who should be victims and two who should be monsters will leave readers gasping in fear and delight.
Originally published in a sold-out, limited edition, Motherless Child is an extraordinary Southern horror novel that Tor Books is proud to bring to a wider audience.
Click HERE to read an excerpt.