Monday, July 21, 2014

Joe Potato's Real Life Recipes

Joe Potato's Real Life Recipes
By Meriwether O'Connor
Idgie Says:

Okay I have to say that I love the cover of this collection of shorts.  I want to sit and spend time with a woman that knows how to belt out a full laugh like that.  
As for the book, I'm delighted to be able to present this to you.  Meriwether has written for the Dew for quite a while,even had a regular Friday column on the Dew - "Letters from the Barn" for a bit.  She delighted the reader with fun and also emotional stories.  It's great to see her in print.  "Joe Potato" and "Malachi Jones" first appeared in Dew on the Kudzu.  I suggest you take a few moments and enjoy a story or two.  You can find Joe Potato HERE at the Dew.

File Size: 790 KB
Print Length: 64 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Appalachia North (July 14, 2014)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.

Book Description:
Pity the wolf that scratches at the door of Joe Potato's Real Life Recipes. He might get invited in for dinner. Only if Flannery O'Connor and Gabriel Garcia Marquez swapped tall tales at an M.F.K. Fisher dinner party, would you find characters like these. Quirky souls with their feet in the mud and the blood inhabit this thin volume of short stories with an Appalachian cadence and a Texas sense of humor.