Monday, June 2, 2014

The Salt Marsh King

Salt Marsh King
Drew Krepp
June 1, 2014
Bancroft Press

Idgie Says:
As the book description states, the author takes the story of King Lear and re-envisions it in the modern telling of a man whose seafood empire is being given over to his sons, but in a manner far too slowly for the oldest sons.  They decide to speed up the process, but the youngest son isn't really on board with the Daddy takeover.  There's also the fact that though there is loyalty to the family, there's not necessarily a lot of love going around.  Daddy's a controlling guy and as his health fades, the resentment from the sons grow.  

There's a shockingly unexpected ending.........unless of course you've read King Lear.  :)  

A good family drama/struggle of too much testosterone trying to climb to the top of the castle. 

Book Description:
A modern reimagining of Shakespeare’s King Lear, by debut literary novelist Drew Krepp.

As their powerful father, his memory rapidly deteriorating, prepares to retire from his seafood empire, Patrick O’Reilly’s two brothers battle to take over the NC-based company, and Patrick is unwillingly tossed into the frothing middle. Not even he, an heir to Reilly Seafood, can escape the power that it, and his father, hold over the company town, despite his lifelong desire to chart his own course as a builder and repairer of piers. When Patrick’s two brothers begin to take advantage of their father, their lust for power leads to stormy and terrifying battles. A highly readable, and highly relatable, present-day companion to the Shakespeare classic.