This is one of those books that you first pick up and say to yourself, "Okay, I can pitch this as bathroom reading, an amusement while ...... well, being bored in the bathroom." Then you start to flip through the pages and suddenly are smacked in the face with the recognition of a thought that you've had. Or a thought you tried to pretend you didn't actually have. Or a phrase structured in such a way you stop dead in your reading and........think.
A different book, difficult to describe, but you might want to check it out. And yes, I still say you can stick it in the bathroom, but you might just see someone carrying it out to continue reading it. :)
1000 Feelings for which there are No Names
By Mario Giordano
Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Penguin Books (May 6, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0143125281
ISBN-13: 978-0143125280
Mario Giordano is one of Germany’s bestselling thriller and screenplay writers. 1,000 Feelings for Which There Are No Names was born out of an intense bout of writer’s block. He lives in Cologne, Germany.

They amaze us and hurt us, bring us to tears and make us laugh, delight us and keep us up at night: feelings that we know only too well, but which have eluded the English lexicon for so long. In 1,000 Feelings for Which There Are No Names, author Mario Giordano catalogs those familiar emotions.
Perfect for cocktail parties, quiet reflection, daily inspiration, or travel entertainment, this delightful compendium is broken up into helpful sections that will fit your every mood, such as “Afternoon Feelings,” “Nerd Feelings,” “Heaven-help-me Feelings,” or the somewhat more nebulous “Tangerine Feelings.” Or try opening a page at random to help kiss writer’s block goodbye. Don’t forget to add your own feelings in the back of the book (before they get away!) and share with others.