Barking Signals (Badly) During Goldwater - Hut, Hut... Now What?
Artist: Garret Mathews
Publisher: Plugger Publishing (2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1105859045
ISBN-13: 978-1105859045
Book Description:
“Barking Signals (badly) During Goldwater” is the underdog story of a 14-year-old boy who is equal parts puny and shy in a little town deep in Virginia’s mountains. It’s decided that only one thing can bring A.C. Jackson out of the limits he’s put on himself: Playing second-string quarterback on the school’s junior varsity team. Set in 1965, it’s a G-rated tale of an unlikely player’s first season at Abingdon High, both on and off the field. It’s a football book that fathers – and grandfathers – can read along with teenagers of the household.
Idgie Says:
I love the back of the book description: "There's no national anthem on Monday nights when the Jayvees play. No concession stand. No cheerleaders. At half-time, third-graders play at midfield with a ball they made out of a milk carton. Sometimes this is better than the game."
This gives you a good idea of the story. A gentle coming of age story of a boy whose unsure of himself - as many 14 year olds are - and slowly finds his own way, and confidence, in life.
The writing is short and to the point. No rambling descriptive sentences. This is not a bad thing, just a different style of writing. You don't follow a trail to the story, you jump right in.
A nice story that could be a good read for a younger boy whose not quite sure of himself and hasn't yet found his place at school and life.