Daddy’s Darlings,
Southern Sweethearts
Bill Prince.
January 29, 2013 © All rights Reserved

What was worse was that it woke Jo as well. We probably
would have made a fast recovery and would have been shaking the floor joists
with our snoring again in five minutes but for what she said, “Oh, why did I
have to wake up? Why did I have to wake up? I was dreaming about my daddy and
we were having such a good time. It seemed so real just like we were together
again.” Then Jo sobbed a few sobs at the memory of her deceased dad, a man who
had left home with a pregnant wife to fight Germans and walked all the way from
the English Channel to Berlin in mud so he could help preserve our freedom.
When I think of her dad I think of a man who didn’t see his first born till he
was a several years old. When she thinks of him, she thinks of the love they
shared and their “special” relationship.
I had not been dating her long when she told me a secret,
her daddy liked her, no, loved her, more than the other three children. She was
special to him. I began to observe and sure enough I think she was one up at
least on the rest of them. She told me that once when they were riding in the
car, just the two of them, and she told him she loved him so, he said, “Well, I
guess you could say we have our own little mutual admiration society.” She
always would get a little mushy when talking about her daddy. I always have had
his example in mind when I have tried my best to love and cherish her and
provide her for the years we have had together.
Now back to the dream. She said, “We were at a dinner at
the church. You know daddy loved church socials and good food. He was going
through the line with that smile only he had, picking up a dab of this and a
dab of that and still his plate was getting overloaded. He looked and me and winked,
acknowledging that special connection that had our two hearts plugged together.
We were just going to sit together so we could eat and talk when that phone
woke me up. Oh! Why did I have to wake up? It seemed so real, just like we were
there together again”
She wept a little more and I decided to talk to her some
about her daddy and my memories of him and things he told me like, that he felt
comfortable with the status of his daughter in our marriage because she was
“well cared for” as he put it. He had a way of making me feel good about being
his son-in-law. His boys were having trouble with their first marriages at the
time and he shared his concern over his boys. I am thankful that Jo and I have
made it through and are committed till death do us part. Sadly, she is his only
child that can still say that. Not to criticize the others but I think her dad
had something when he said she was special.

I went to make the coffee and read my Bible and Holy Cow!
A scripture jumped off the page at me so bright and shiny, blindingly
brilliant, that I couldn’t ignore it. I got up immediately and made the
following post which included the verse on face book which drew dozens of likes
and comments.
Psalms 144:12:…that our
daughters may be...polished after the similitudes of a palace.
“My daughters have had some rough edges, like
a field stone, but now polished by prayers of parents and the mercy of God they
are models of Godly women, cornerstones of their communities. Thank you Lord!
Bless my girls today; Cheryl, Jan & Leah, and their daughters, Haylee,
Chandler, Caroline and Katherine.”
It was a joy for me to post that for the world to see. The word
similitudes is rendered from a Hebrew word meaning “model” and the word palace
there can indicate a “cornerstone” or the “best part of a building”. From where
I sit, that’s a good description of my view of my girls. I know nobody is
perfect and at sometimes I have been a perfectly bad dad, as they have been
fieldstones; but as Dr. Williams said, ”We all have our warts.” The love for my
girls overwhelmed me.
You see, what got me was that I had developed this immediate and
deeply felt desire to be thought of by my daughters as Jo thought of her dad.
The experiences of that morning caused by that untimely phone ringing had led
me to an emotional upheaval that made me realize how great my girls are, what
they have overcome, and how “special” they are to me even though grown and gone
away they are still daddy’s darlings and southern sweethearts. I made sure they
saw my facebook post and hoped they understood that their daddy was calling
them “special’ and that they were partners in a “private little mutual
admiration society” between just me & them, individually.
I know that Jo’s relationship with her deceased dad was so
special that I will never be able to completely fill his shoes, but I do hope
that I can equal it with my own little girls, daddy’s darlings, southern