Monday, December 24, 2012

A Christmas to Remember

                                                        A Christmas To Remember        
 What I want for Christmas covers many things.  Unlit red candles, surrounded by red berries on green holly, are sitting in clear glass bowls.  Red poinsettias are arranged adding to the Christmas atmosphere.  The fire in the grayish stone hearth crackles and sends red sparks upward.  The yellow and red flames  make the room glow with warmth and happiness.  A  six -foot tree towers above with a brightly lit silver angel touching the ceiling.  Decorations of all sizes, shapes and colors adorn the tree.
The older men are grouped together drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes.  The smoke in the room is stifling as it curls toward the ceiling.   The younger men have walked outside in the chilly, moist air.   Occasionally a loud laugh is heard coming from the porch.
A  crash comes from the kitchen. A dish drops, striking the shiny linoleum floor.  The women hasten to finish preparing the meal.  Glazed ham, baked turkey, and mustard potato salad are surrounded by delicious desserts and bright red cranberry sauce.   A  delicious aroma coming from the kitchen reaches our nostrils. Two small boys are scolded for darting around chairs knocking a screaming toddler to the floor. Soft melodies are heard in the background. The songs of the season float in the air. The noise resembles the beating of drums as the voices vibrate from low to high. The cooks wave everyone to the tables set with the holiday bounty.  After the meal is quickly devoured, the women bunch to clean.  The men resume their chatter.
What I want for Christmas is a beautiful decorated home, delicious food and wonderful fellowship with friends and family.  Santa Claus dressed in his red fluffy suit with long flowing white beard will come see the children and me. He has promised me a Kindle. I want an old-fashioned Christmas with the theme kindness for all with families sharing laughter, food and remembering hard times.  When the evening is over, couples will stand under the white berried yellow flowered mistletoe for one last kiss.  I want my Christmas to have worries light as snow, love bright as the sun and hope the moon will circle the earth for another day. I will say Merry Christmas to all and to all goodnight.

Author: Revia Perrigin