Saturday, March 6, 2010

Smoky Mountain Trail

Smoky Mountain Trail

Face to face with the mountains, they scream with gallant
beauty. Rocky pillar-arms sweep above the idea of height,
coiling above the land with vanilla-orange rocks birthed
from ancient ground, veined with millennia. Cedars and oaks
loom like mysterious towers. What a home of primeval
growth and surreal sound, illuminated with the subtle power
of laurels and azaleas. Face to face, the mountains
shove elation and hope into the sky, beyond the smallness of human
time, and I weep from awe-sensation, my mind staggering to bear
granite domes, kaleidoscopic autumn leaves, and the crystalline
tides of gushing water. I feel God-blessed and Goddess-born.

Jennifer Hollie Bowles