I would like to Welcome Chef Rick to the Dew. He's about to become a frequent contributor to the recipe page with a fantastic selection of personalized recipes.
His bio is below. Please visit his site and look for his recipes at the Dew!
My name is Rick McDaniel and I have the best job in the world. I’m a food historian and writer. I get to spend every day thinking about, writing about, and cooking Southern food! I learned Southern cooking from four generations of cooks in my family, and a friend from Charleston, SC taught me the wonders of Low country cuisine, the delicious blend of seafood and rice from the South Carolina tidal basin.
Even though I’m a native North Carolinian, I’ve always had a special love in my heart for the people and food of Louisiana. Cajun and Creole cooking is one of my specialties, and you’ll find lots of good recipes with a Louisiana flavor in the recipe section.
I love the great variety of food found in my native South — everything from German cuisine to Cajun and Creole to the wonderful spices of Afro - Caribbean cooking .
I have spent time in restaurant kitchens as both chef and helper, including a stint in kitchen hell — cooking pizza eight hours a day while a nearby jukebox blared the Bee Gees and Donna Summer. Yes, that’s how I spend the summer of 1978. I even had to wear a polyester apron! I’ve also cooked in one restaurant where no one I knew made enough money to eat there.
I launched chefrick.com in 1998 as a way to spread my love of Southern cooking and make huge amounts of friends and money. So far, my love for cooking is doing quite well, I have lots of new friends, and I’ve made just enough cash to afford those Gin Su knives I’ve always wanted.