Friday, January 12, 2007

Ambrosia through the ages!

I have received an email from Larry Hamby who stated that while he enjoyed my post of
"What the South Gave the World", I must have had some pretty bad Ambrosia in my time. He very nicely sent me a recipe that's been around for a while and he guarantees it's yummy.

Sadly, I can't find a good picture for this dessert! If you have one, send it my way!


In the beginning, things were simple. Here is the recipe for Ambrosia from Mrs. S. R. Dull, magazine editor of the Atlanta Journal for many years. She self-published her cookbook, Southern Cooking, in 1928. This book became a classic and has been reprinted may times. Today, even a damaged first edition is worth about $100.


6 large oranges 3/4 cup sugar. More or less to suit
1 large cocoanut the taste

Remove the brown skin and put the cocoanut through the food chopper or grate. Remove the orange sections from the skin, being careful to remove all of the skin. Mix orange, cocoanut and sugar. Put in a cool place for one hour, and it is ready to serve.

To get the cocoanut out easy remove the milk and place in a hot oven until the shell is quite hot to the hand. With a hammer tap over the nut, then give a hard knock to crack the shell, which will break and come from the nut meat.