Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas Everyone!

What a great 6 months the Dew has had!

I'm so proud of this little e-zine's growth and success. I love the large variety of writers that are willing to share their talent with the rest of us.

When I started it 6 months ago I really didn't even know if it would get off the ground. I tentatively hired a design company to make a great looking site, but told them no money would change hands for a month until I see if the idea "took" or not.

Well, by the end of the first week I had 13 writers and 5 stories already lined up!

I hired the design firm by week two.

Every week I receive lovely articles, stories, ideas, places to visit. All wonderfully written. I love it when I hear from a brand new person wanting to take the chance on sharing their stories.

A lot of people read the Dew but don't always comment. I see the stats though and know that people are coming by! I receive emails now and again thanking the Dew for the positive spin on the South from us.

I'm very proud of the Dew, and most proud of the writers that belong to it.

Thank you all, and Merrry Christmas.